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When Sarah began her journey at Winston Prep School she had difficulty with organization and was highly distractible. She would offer answers before she heard entire questions, and she had difficulty following instructions completely and in the correct order.
It was hard for her to concentrate for a long time, and she frequently became frustrated with school because she did not do as well as her peers. Winston Prep recognized Sarah’s ability to quickly synthesize information as a strength as well. She was able to process large amounts of information quickly, especially when the topic was of interest or engaged her, but needed help learning how to express her considerable understanding of material in a methodical and organized way. During her time at Winston Prep her program was a highly individualized balance between strengths in hands-on exploratory learning and developing her ability to respond to traditional instruction. Throughout her schooling she worked to develop organizational skills, active listening strategies and the ability to use planning and structure in order to produce work to meet expectations. It was important for Sarah to be understood as a student with organizational and attentional issues that were school-based and responsive to remediation, as opposed to behavioral issues. Sarah graduated from Winston Prep, went onto Clark University and is now pursuing a master’s degree in social work.
Winston Preparatory School is a leading school for students with learning disabilities, including dyslexia, executive functioning difficulties (ADHD), and non-verbal learning disorders (NVLD).

WPS does not discriminate against applicants and students on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin. The Winston Preparatory School provides programs and services and equal opportunity in the administration of its educational and admissions policies, financial aid programs, employment, and the selection of its governing board without regard to gender, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability status, or any status recognized by federal, state and local civil rights and non-discrimination laws.